Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking: A Guide to Living Your Best Life!

Life is unpredictable. It can be full of surprising twists and turns. But what remains constant is our outlook - the attitude with which we choose to approach each day. Positive thinking can make a massive difference in how we experience every moment. By reminding ourselves to reflect on the good, to focus on the bright side, and to reframe our challenges as opportunities for growth, we gain an immense amount of power that helps us make the most out of every experience. Through the following ...

Are you honoring your body with essential nutrients?

As we all know, eating well is crucial for maintaining our health, vitality and well-being. Essential nutrients allow our bodies to function properly and provide energy to last all day. But with so many different diets and nutritional advice out there (often contradicting themselves), it can be difficult to figure out what to eat. Good nutrition starts with a balanced diet. You need to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs. Whether you prefer certain foods or are trying to ...

Why connecting to nature is vital to the soul

Most people feel drawn to nature and the natural world and there’s a reason why. Connecting with nature and the natural elements is very important to the soul. You have most likely noticed that any time spent in nature feels deeply calming and restorative. That’s no wonder considering that: First, nature has a way of balancing the mind and soul. It cleanses our souls from energetical debris, rejuvenates us with life force and fresh oxygen. Flowers, trees and water can ...

Symbols are Everywhere

Not everything in life appears as it is. Symbols are everywhere. This is paint scratched on a metal door revealing the underlying coat. Can you see the bird soaring? (It is easier to see on the square image.) Eyes, head, body, wings and tail. And if you are having a bit of trouble, use your imagination. Now can you spot in symbol in your immediate surroundings? They can be found in images, clouds, license plates, stones... With much love, Stephanie Marie Founder of Super Wellness Woman

Are you paying attention?

Are you allowing life to reveal its beauty to you? Often we go somewhere for an event or with a goal in mind. We are focused on the main reason of our visit and might miss the fun little things. This was a small detail on my way out before exiting the venue. The big eyes and friendly face captured my attention. I always have a soft spot for animals, real or not. Are you paying attention? Are you open to opportunities? Are you noticing the gifts life is trying to give you? To take a moment to ...

A World of Miracles

Watching plants grow and change throughout the seasons reminds us of our connection to the natural world. A world of beauty and divinity. A world of abundance, resources and perfect timing. A world where resurrection is possible. Several of our neighbors and I thought a newly planted tree died over a year ago. This spring we watch it come back to life. An unexpected miracle. And in a few years, it may look like the tree in this picture: tall and blossoming. How unbelievable! With much ...

Open Your Eyes To The Magic All Around You

Today I was enjoying a cool, crisp day and the beauty of nature surrounding me in the urban landscape. There even was a bit of rain. One of the reasons I am fascinated by nature is that it constantly remind us of life cycles. For example, the clean fresh air symbolizes a new state and upcoming opportunities. So I took a deep breath and enjoyed the fresh air. Let it be a gentle reminder that the world is truly beautiful, and there's so much to see... if you take the time to look... even in your ...


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