Blog Are you honoring your body with essential nutrients?

Are you honoring your body with essential nutrients?


As we all know, eating well is crucial for maintaining our health, vitality and well-being. Essential nutrients allow our bodies to function properly and provide energy to last all day. But with so many different diets and nutritional advice out there (often contradicting themselves), it can be difficult to figure out what to eat.

Good nutrition starts with a balanced diet. You need to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs. Whether you prefer certain foods or are trying to save time, it can be tempting to eat the same types of food everyday but that won’t supply your body with enough diverse nutrients.

One way to achieve a balanced diet is to eat what is in season and rotate different foods. Fruits and vegetables provide us with a variety of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The freshest they are, the richest they are. Produce that is out of your local season has to travel long and far from another part of the globe to get to your grocery store.

A second way to get good nutrition is to make sure you are getting complete protein sources throughout the day. Complete proteins are those that contain all the essential amino acids our bodies need. They can be found in one food serving (meat, fish, egg, dairy, soy, quinoa, buckwheat, and Ezekiel bread for example) or by eating a combination of complementary protein sources.

There are many delicious and healthy complete protein meals you can make at home. And they can be vegetarian or vegan too! The most classic one is lentils and rice. But you can indulge in hummus with pita or a peanut butter sandwich. Every time legumes like beans, lentils, and peanuts are combined with grains like wheat, rice, and corn, a complete protein is born.

In addition, nowadays food is not as nutrient dense as it used to be and it can be hard to get all the nutrients you need from food alone. That's why supplements are great. I personally prefer to buy single vitamins instead of multivitamins or complexes as they tend to be more potent (you get more bang for your buck) and it’s easier to keep track of daily amounts. Otherwise you have to add up each line item to make sure you are staying within safe guidelines.

So, next time you're wondering what to make for dinner, remember that cooking a packaged product won’t give your body as much energy as fresh produce or animal sources will. And preparing the same meal as yesterday is limiting your nutrient variety. If you're not sure you're getting all the nutrients you need, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian. They can help you create a customized plan for your specific needs.

It’s very important as a nutritious diet is essential for good health. And who doesn’t want good health?

I recorded a short lighthearted video on the subject: click here for video

With much love,

Stephanie Marie

Founder of Super Wellness Woman


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